We are pleased to be able to offer ball hockey to Springfield area kids. Academy games and skill
sessions will take place Tuesday/Thursdays at the One Insurance Arena in Oakbank starting the second
week of May. They will run approximately 8 weeks until the end of June. Based on the number of kids
participating we would run two sessions:
U9-U13 Girls Academy from 6-7pm Tuesday/Thursday
U9-U13 Boys Academy from 7-8 Tuesday/Thursdays
Cost approximately $180-220 per child

These days, times and cost per child are subject to change based on interest and numbers.
Participants of the Academy will be taught basic ball hockey skills, shooting, passing, stick handling, ball
control along with concepts and overall knowledge of the game.
Participants of the Academy will focus on skills sessions to start the camp then will be placed on teams,
be given a team jersey and participate in games the rest of the camp.
Participants of the Academy will need to have:
•Helmet (with full cage or full visor)
•Hockey gloves
•Soccer shin pads or ball hockey shin pads
•Jock or Jill
Academy sessions and games will be taught/coached by Craig Malaschuk
•Local hockey coach
•Active member of
Team Manitoba Masters
Team Canada Masters
To register your child to the Springfield Youth Ball Hockey Academy (SYBHA), or to ask questions please
email name and age of your child to Craig at: [email protected]